Terms Of Service

FedEx Quality Recognition Program Terms & Conditions

  • Products and Content: All products are subject to availability and may change at any time without notice. All content and descriptions are subject to change at any time. FedEx QRP clients agree that exact descriptions and substitutions of products are a normal part of a continuity program and further agree to accept the FedEx QRP award item that is shipped to them.
  • Shipping: Any order placed in the FedEx QRP program will be shipped directly to the client’s terminal location. Client is responsible for filing any claims for damaged shipments received.
  • Canadian Shipments: Orders shipped to Canada are subject to Canadian duties and taxes.
  • International Shipments: At this time the FedEx QRP program does not accept international shipments with the exception of Canada.
  • Express Delivery: All FedEx QRP items are shipped via FedEx and no express shipments are currently allowed.
  • Cancelled Orders: Occasionally, products offered in the FedEx QRP program may become unavailable. Every effort is made to keep unavailable products off of the program web-site. However, if any product is determined as unavailable, the employee will be contacted about substituting or ordering a different product from the same FedEx QRP level.