Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  • Your privacy is very important to FedEx and Total Sales & Marketing. We protect the privacy of our employees/clients as much as possible.
  • We never sell, rent or otherwise furnish any information about our employees/clients or visitors to any outside organization, company or entity.
  • This policy is subject to change.
  • We fully prosecute anyone unlawfully entering our site.
  • If you join the FedEx QRP program site , we will send you e-mails relating to only your FedEx QRP order or anything instructed by FedEx administration. If you do not wish to receive these emails please contact your manager for further assistance.

Opt Out

  • If you join the FedEx QRP program site , we include OPT OUT instructions on any e-mail you might receive. It is our policy to only send e-mails relating to your FedEx QRP order or anything instructed by FedEx administration.


  • We use cookies to recognize returning FedEx QRP customers to customize content for each individual. By checking the “REMEMBER ME” box when you sign in, you determine whether cookies remain on your computer after you leave the FedEx QRP site.
  • We use cookies to recognize returning FedEx QRP customers to customize content for each individual.

Your Information

  • We automatically receive information from your IP address along with certain other information. Your e-mail is not included in this information so we request that you provide us with an accurate e-mail address when requested to at check-out.
  • We maintain your information only as necessary to perform our job as the vendor supplying the products and operating the on-line site for FedEx.
  • We use SSL encryption to secure transmission of any sensitive data.